Saturday, 19 August 2017

* summer in the 'stide

many villages have fetes and markets
in the Summertime
July & August sees many events 
Thursdays bring the night market
tables and chairs are set up under La Halle
food stalls begin to be set up
along the river
in the late afternoon
people arrive from 6pm 
with picnic bags carrying plastic plates
glasses, serviettes, cutlery
bread, wine
to enjoy with the food they buy
it's a big community thing
other evenings bring dodgy euro disco djs 
who never seem to play a whole song
and talk over most of the medleys
a variety of acts appear under La Halle
Magyd Cherfi ~ La Trempe
the story of an artist
Teatro Golondrino
string puppets without word
a truly charming show
called The Bucket of Death
had the children and adults laughing
we have a Village Vacances in La Bastide
which is for the employees of EDF
some of these events are arranged by them
they are random, sometimes strange
but strange good!