Thursday, 20 July 2017

+ this house, this home

one of the amazing ladies I have met 
is Jacqueline
she is funny, interesting, generous
and an Anglican Priest

she had never visited my village
and so she came to bless my house

we held something of significance to us
I chose this stone which had belonged to my sister
Liberty held her Grandmothers wristwatch
and Jacqueline her little wooden cross
we began at the front door
 Jacqueline blessed 
"from roof to roof, from wall to wall,
from end to end, from its foundation 
and in its covering"

then moving through the house
she read the warming liturgy for every rooms use
bedroom, lounge, guest room, bathroom ....
each one ending with the words
"to save, shield and surround this house,
this home, this day, this night and every night"

the rhythm of this recital was comforting 
and soon familiar

"may all be welcomed here,
friend or stranger, from near or far
may each be blessed and honoured as they enter
may all who come to this door, come in peace
and guard it, we pray, from any who come in hostility
may every grudge or malice be left at the door
and may those who brought them be so touched
by grace here, that they forget to collect them 
when they leave"

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