Friday, 27 November 2009

⚇ click x 300

this week I was at school
getting the children to take photos of
details around the building and outside

a secret project 
we've created a leaving present for the deputy head
the children took fabulous images
and started to really notice things that they take for granted
about 40 kids must have taken 300 images in two hours!
it took a while to edit them to the top 100 then upload them to
for printing
I also ordered a little something to put them in ....

the frame arrived today  
complete with the box of 100 cards with the images taken by the children
I selected a colourful 20 to fill it up
then the teacher can change them over when the mood takes fancy
it looks great don't you think?


  1. yes, it looks brill! Lucky old dep head and clever old you, great idea!


☺ thank you for taking the time to leave a comment ~ I might not always reply but they really are valued ☺