Thursday, 16 June 2011

ʔʕ turn and face the strange

we didn't have a front garden to speak of:
just old tarmac, all cracked, flaked and gritty
that was carried into the house
from the soles of shoes:
until ....
the landscapers arrived:
with their big tools and machines:
26 tonnes were taken away
crushed and recycled:
some to make the base for my path 
and runway:
grey edging stones around the perimeter:
two slate stands for my car wheels:
the rest of the garden covered in
topsoil, horticultural membrane 
and shingle:
sand brushed into the path:
walk the planks:
a blank canvas for me to plant:
with sea loving plants:
and gorgeous grasses:
a work in progress:

1 comment:

  1. Only just noticed this as been out reinventing my own garden, after fire. You will do a fabulous job with that blank canvas, I too have just planted a Japenese bloodgrass, and some lovely bamboos.

    I love your wooden path :) x


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