Sunday, 6 September 2009

)-all you need is love-(

It's funny how the sight, sound or smell of things can trigger a memory.
While tidying up in the garden I found some late flowering snapdragons that immediately transported me back to being 9 years old and walking to Junior School. There was a garden at the top of my friends road that had snapdragons and hollyhocks and lupins. So pretty and the lady was usually there, in her garden, weeding and tending her flowers.
She always smiled and said hello ~ one day she showed me why they are called 'snapdragons'.
Somethings you never forget.

The colours reminded me of loveheart sweets.
My daughter bought some recently and those little round sugar discs still have the same messages. Be mine.
Sometimes I would buy them on my way home from school on a Friday ~ we were allowed a sixpence worth of sweets. Black Jacks and Fruit Salad or shrimps and flying saucers. No wonder I've got rubbish teeth!

While crocheting my afghan blanket last night I listened to a series of programmes on BBC2 about The Beatles.
Oh I sang along to all the songs and remembered how my Dad used to play the albums loudly at the weekend as we busied and tidied and played around the house. I'd forgotten just how fab they are. The soundtrack to my childhood.


  1. Yes, the Beatles remind me of tidying the home too - and you played them as much as Dad did!

  2. Yes you did cos I remember mum telling me to tell you to "TURN IT DOWN" :-))

  3. she wouldn't have said that if it was her Elton John lp's playing eh?

  4. Ha! I remember Elton playing lots too - and Dad's War of the Worlds!!! Damned those Sunday tidying sessions!!!


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