Saturday, 4 December 2010

⎚ choc exotic

four days, snowed in:
possibly the best combination ever:
no chills with spicy thrills:
the postman trudged through with
a surprise package from New Zealand:
hokey pokey bar & peanut slab hits:
never heard of the feijoa fruit
can't say I'm too jazzed by it:
but all donations {however strange}
are very gratefully received:
thanks cuz:


  1. My gawd what a way to spend a few day. Lush.
    Have you checked out Cyber Candy. There's one in Cov' Garden: international variants and editions of your favourite chocity flavours. And have you seen the Japanese Kit Kat editions, mad amounts of flavours..

  2. yes I have been a long time online shopper at Cybercandy: {with access code to their secret shop}
    have you tried the scorpion lollies?
    have yet to try those crazy Kitkats but am partial to a milkyway mignight, mounds and three musketeers!

  3. Oh christ, I'd forgotten all about G&Bs hot choc and how divine it is. Can I swap the rum for a brandy tho? x


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