Sunday, 16 January 2011

⻝ mystical souls

new sculptures developed specially for his
solo exhibition at the 
Tap Gallery by David Murphy
Almost Island:
'these are the mysteries and these are 
the traps of the mysteries'
2 & 3 metres long:
steel, bolts and boot polish:
harshly industrial but somehow fragile:
like huge eel traps ready to capture
some large mythical being:
or man:
projected flotsam:
plastic jellyfish:
winched high 'the water rules':
leaking under their 3 tonnes of water:
vast and bulging:

the concept for this exhibition make for an
exciting read:
'Murphy's work deals with the relationship of
land to water and situates itself frequently in the 
impermanent, edgeless territory
between the two':

but for me I felt there could be more:
I wanted there to be more:

go see for yourself:
runs until 11th February:

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