Saturday, 13 November 2010

ꉺꉺ spin sounds

saturdays are made for thumbing through vinyl:
select phono:
33, 45 rpm:
knowing crackles:
a sides, b sides:
sleeve notes:
instant nostalgia to days spent in bedrooms,
in bars, at discos, at gigs, with friends:
I'd forgotten how good that is:
now sharing with my 15 year old:
revolutions per minute:

♫ play to win:

{long players on the turntable today....

boys don't cry ~ the cure:
17 seconds ~ the cure
travelogue ~ the human league
fireside favourites ~ fad gadget
rattus norvegicus ~ the stranglers
penthouse & pavement ~ heaven 17
porcupine ~ echo & the bunnymen
blue bell knoll ~ the cocteau twins
inbetween days *12" ~ the cure
substance *sides 3+4 ~ new order}


  1. How funny...yesterday I changed my profile pic on FB to a photo of me doing exactly that..spinning a few winners! There's nothing quite like vinyl..x

  2. Spinning some 12" winners now: Spandau, Hey Elastica and this beauty

  3. that's a cool nugget!
    think I might have to break out C'est Chic:

  4. How super! I heard some of these tunes at a friend's fortieth last night - they turned the Railway into a mini-Toothbrush!

  5. were you doing ironic 80's dancing to match?
    all pouts, jerky head movements and wrecking:
    ah those were the days ^_^


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