Tuesday, 26 January 2010

□▫▯ let's play

we looked after my friends three children, dog, cat and two 
guinea pigs at the weekend:
a whole Saturday of play:

who can resist the lure of bricks:

what am I?

star biscuits and glitter topped chocolate fairy cakes:
such well behaved children:


  1. whoa. That's ME!
    3 kids. check
    Dog. check
    Cat. check
    2 piggies. check

    I just don't remember being there....was I drunk, and were the cakes scrumptious?

    OMG my word is ourlib. Spooky.

  2. haha Suzie C ~ ah but do you have orange Lego?
    wish that it was a weekend en France:
    les gateaux etaient tres brun et delicieux merci:

  3. Glad you had such fun with my well behaved children.

    Now to plan the next weekend away!!

    Many thanks my lovely friend xx


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